SEO Ann Arbor: Website Design Evaluators

SEO Ann Arbor - Website Design
Does your website load slowly?
Is it designed for efficiency and usability?
Is it optimized for users AND search engines?
These issues may seem small in comparison to other problems that you and your business face, but make no mistake: a bad website design is big trouble. People aren’t willing to wait for a site to load, and dealing with a poor website design can be infuriating for many people.
So, how do you know if you have a bad website design? You can read more here, but meanwhile, there are several free ways to evaluate your website’s health!
This is a good tool that you can use to get an overall idea of problems your website may have. Some results are obvious, like having too many keywords on one page, while others might require more technical website design knowledge. Take a look and ask your web designer about any issues.
This one is the big one. The World Wide Web Consortium (shortened to W3C) is the official organization for creating web standards. This website evaluator can tell you where in your website the code is incorrect, disorganized, or broken. You may not understand everything that comes up in the results, but you can check with your web designer or webmaster and they should be able to fix any problems. Having good clean code not only helps improve load times and visitor experience, it also helps your website be read more easily by search engines.
Believe it or not, we actually offer free website evaluations! Give us a call and we’ll take a look at your website. We’ll tell you what’s doing well, what isn’t, and ways to help your business’s website design look even better. Give us a call at 877-815-6974 or visit us at
Looking for more?
These aren’t the only ways to improve website design, so make sure you ask people about ways to fix your website, and to check if you are showing up in search results. Picture a day when your business’s website is bringing in more business, working well, and looking good. What would it take to make that happen? Keeping the vision in your mind of how your business should be represented online will give you insight into what you should fix.
If you’re looking for more information about how to improve your website design, social media, or anything else online, call or email us. We're happy to help!