Write Web Content That Gets Read
Web content should not be the same as print content!
Through centuries of conditioning, readers have learned that the payoff takes time to arrive in print. That's why we're willing to read an entire letter, short story or novel before learning how it ends.
Web content is a much newer phenomenon and our conditioning is completely different. When web searchers want something, they try to navigate to the best solution as quickly as possible. There are a few exceptions but, as content writers and web page creators, we have to provide content that's highly responsive and as unobstructive as possible.
If we don't, searchers will immediately navigate away!
It's not complicated! Our job is to engage visitors. Our research shows that one very powerful way to do this is this:
(1) write a very compelling header
(2) add emotional content immediately after the header - like empathetic questions
For example, "Are you sick of buying new tires every year or two?"
(3) mention a specific solution, product or service early
"Double the life of your tires with a wheel alignment once a year!"
AND, with on every online platform (social media, web pages, blogs, press releases, etc.), keep search engines in mind. They're looking for obvious cues to what the content is about. These clues are called "keywords." If you're posting content without including keywords designed to sync with your goals, you're wasting a huge part of your opportunity.
That's because only a few people will see the content unless it's very, very compelling. However, if the right keywords are in the right places, search engines will take notice and give you better position. A home run on one platform (a blog post, for example), can give all your related platforms a search boost. If you manage to get all your platforms to do well around a certain keyword, you'll become the "go to" location for that keyword, which means your website, blog, or Facebook page will show up prominently whenever people search for that keyword.
From there, all you have to do is make sure you provide what those people are looking for!
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